

Geeky Glam Holiday...

With the season now being upon us and recently posting a pic of a sequin skirt (Sequin + Garment = Holiday Ready...), I am in the mood for the razzle dazzle of the holidays.  

I love mixing together looks that you wouldn't normally pair.  This outfit is like seeing the fashionista eating lunch with the bookwormy science girl in the cafeteria!  Which really... I kinda see my self as both of those characters anyways.  And a lady in the fashion of life would eat lunch with any gal pal!

So hop to it, be a glam gal and an intellect!  Wear gold brocade and penny loafers at the same time.  Don't forget the glass though because you wouldn't be able to read that copy of The Bell Jar you carry around or your recent issue of InStyle.

Glasses - American Eagle Outfitters
Shirt - J.Crew
Jeans - Old Navy
Shoes - Bass Co.


  1. Ca-ute!! Love this post! And love the red pout with the gold! Adorbs as usual!

  2. Puckerup! I came hard to that pic!
