

#5 Accessorize...

Number five on the resolution countdown is to accessorize.  Women today are layering on jewels, strapping on a belt or topping of their look with a hat.  When you are wearing at least 2 accessories with a styled look your are more likely to feel polished and trend forward.  Think about it.  When you are out and see a woman in an eye catching outfit she most likely has a dazzling necklace or great handbag that caught your attention.  To make an outfit interesting you have to wear something interesting with it.

When I work with clients and we are styling their wardrobe I find they are not accessorizing because they don't have any good accessories.  My rule of thumb is this; when you are shopping and you see a piece of jewelry or any other outfit add-on for $15 or under buy it.  You have to start somewhere and you can make small investments to begin.  Trust me, you start to accessorize when you actually have some good accessories.

To help you get started I am giving away a $10 gift card to one of my favorite accessory destinations Forever 21!!!  Join this site as a member to be entered to win.  There will be a different give-away everyday this week to help you resolve your fashion & beauty in 2013!!  Winners will be announce Friday 1/11/2013!

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This week is all about how to kick your 2013 fashion & beauty into gear.  I surveyed women of all ages and walks of life and asked them what they resolve to change in their closet or vanity.  These are the top 5 responses I got.  To hear more about this topic link up to the podcast below where you can hear my interview on WCCO radio with Jordana Green!

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