

Craft On A Budget...

Supply #1, a cute kiddo to help you out!

Supplies cont'd, paper lunch sacks, crayons, markers, glitter, scissors and whatever else you have laying around for misc crafts.

Trace hearts on one side of the bag.

Cut out the hearts through both sides at the same time.

Let little ones decorate and color to their heart's desire.

Purchase fun candies.  I like to shop the $1 section at Target, this is also where I find great supplies to add to my craft bin.

Place candies and any other treats you are gifting.

And there you have it!  A cute fun personalized Valentine!

I blogged about this great Vday craft last year, I loved it so much I am giving it an encore with a cuter model than me!  This is a great last minute idea for kids, it helps occupy time and hands.  Really you could do this for any special occasion, just change the cut out shape on top to work for whatever you are celebrating.  What is the best is that it is low cost and low mess!

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