

Style Catalog...Blazen

Today's post is a little peek into my heart.  I am a blazer fanatic!  I own more than the average gal and I am always trying to get clients into more of them.  It's another one of those piece that gets a lot of push back "It's too formal..."  "It makes me look boxy (aka to masculine)..."

Let me open you mind to a few styling tips from the pros when it comes to the blazer/jacket.  Follow these tips and you won't be disappointed.

1. Blazers don't have to be traditional, for example the one pictured below.  It doesn't have a lapel it has a mock/mandarin collar.  This detail will get the jacket away from looking to formal or masculine.
2. Show your feminine side by rolling the sleeve and allowing your sparkly bracelet to shine.  This will soften the look and make you look more relaxed.
3. Go out side the box and get a blazer in something other than black.  Picking up this third piece in a print or something with texture will give you room to wear it more casually.
4. Last wear is causally.  Two out of the three outfits below are with jeans and flats, one of the looks is simply a tee!  I even remind my clients to wear their blazers as a piece of outerwear.

This is the Herringbone Linen Jacket from Loft, buy similar here!

If you want your closet styled email me at

1 comment:

  1. Cute blazer! Look one is my fave.

    Check out my new blog.
