Blouses... What blouses?!
I am in the business of educating women what to wear, how to wear it, what to buy and where to buy it! This week my focus of choice is the blouse. I have worked with couple of fabulous clients in the past month who all have had a common theme of needing to impact their style with belts and blouses. You can see their photo catalogs {here} & {here} & {here}. And since I already was on my soap box about the belt {here} I thought I would preach about the need for essential blouses here! You can link up to Monday's post {here} where I talked about why the blouse is so important and showed you how you can wear it. After that post went live, immediately following I got the question: What blouses should women have? In my professional opinion, at minimum all women should have the following 4 blouses...
Why? Because with these 4 standard blouses you will be able to outfit any cardigan, jacket, blazer, skirt, and pant. Because with these 4 standard blouses you can be styled for work, play, and fun. And because with these 4 standard blouses you will always have something to wear!
Real women, living real life in the Twin Cities... Take inspiration from them!
White Blouse
Striped Blouse
Chambray Blouse
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