Organizing: Scarfs & Belts
Does the before picture look like something that might exists in your closet? If at least 75% of the readers can't relate I'd be surprised. I say this because about 100% of the clients I work with struggle organizing their accessories, specifically their scarfs. Not so much their belts, well... because my clients don't own enough belt! Shame on them, if you know me you know I love belts. You can see more post on that topic {here}.
Let's get this in better shape! I started by scraping the whole situation. I took down the hook and got rid of the hangers the scarfs were "organized" on. Then I was left with this mound :)
Then I picked up these two things; velcro stickies that are used to hang picture frames and an over the door clear shoe organizer. Note that you want to get stickies that hold enough weight to keep up what you are storing. So for belts I like to use stickies that hold up to 12 lbs!
Next, instillation. I followed the instructions exactly on the packaging, I didn't not want these suckers falling down! I placed the stickies on the shoe organizer first. This insures the placement will match up to the door.
And I used a lot of stickies! Again, I can not stress enough how I did not want this to fall. I put stickies on each row on both sides. After I stuck it to the closet door I let it sit empty for about an hour. The adhesive needs to bind to the door and the shoe organizer before you put weight on it.
Why did I use stickies to instal and not just use the door hangers? Because the closet door would not close flush with the hooks and the hooks were really ugly when the door was closed!
After the adhesive from the stickies set for an hour I organized the scarfs and belts into the pockets.
It was life changing for this client to be able see all the scarfs and belts she owns! Now she wears many of them more than before, and she can clearly see which ones she isn't wearing so she can edit them out with no worrying! I say organizing your space is the first step in being styled right everyday. For more organizing tips link up to other blog posts {here}.
Don't forget to come by the Wild Ruffle Pop Up Shop this Saturday and see the Fashion Fix table! For event details link up {here}!
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